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Broker Finds a PEO Partner that Values Her Client Relationships

The Challenge

As a benefits broker, Aimee DiBartolomeo knows her clients will face challenges when they move to a PEO model and adjust to co-employment, new administrative fees and other changes. These challenges are easily overcome when her PEO partners work closely with clients and communicate clearly about the transition.

But DiBartolomeo, president of Premier Benefit Plans in Melville, New York, says there can be a bigger challenge when PEOs interfere with her relationships with clients.

“Once we land an account, some PEOs want me to stop interacting with the client,” she says. “As a broker, my relationships are extremely important to me, so if a PEO interferes with that, I won’t do business with them again.”

The Solution

When DiBartolomeo was introduced to ExtensisHR almost seven years ago, she found a different kind of PEO.

“ExtensisHR values relationships as much as I do, and they understand how to work in partnership with brokers in a way that is best for everyone,” she stated.

DiBartolomeo says the ExtensisHR commitment to building broker and client relationships is demonstrated in many ways. For instance, when she and ExtensisHR recently signed a new client, the client did not notify ExtensisHR that an HSA contribution was included in payroll. The client’s oversight was found when the first payroll was being processed and she says ExtensisHR went “above and beyond” to meet the client’s needs.

“ExtensisHR could have said, ‘that’s not our problem,’ but instead they did what was needed at the eleventh hour to re-run payroll and make sure the contribution was made,” she says. “The value they have in building long-term relationships comes through in everything they do.”

The Results

“I encourage every client that is looking for a PEO to include ExtensisHR in an RFP,” DiBartolomeo says. “Everyone at ExtensisHR is extremely knowledgeable and responsive, from the leadership down through the entire team structure, and always willing to roll up their sleeves to get things done.”

“But what I think really sets ExtensisHR apart from other PEOs is that they care,” she says. “There’s a personal touch in everything they do and that’s a big reason why we’ve developed such a lasting relationship over the years.”

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